Welcome to my blog!
This blog will contain meditations arranged according to the Church Calendar. The calendar follows the life of Christ, an efficient and glorious way of organizing our spiritual life, don’t you think?
The Season of Advent: The Church’s New Year’s Season
• four weeks before Christmas ending with Christmas Eve
• prepares us for the grand celebration of his first coming into our world
• prepares us for his rebirth in our heart and life
• prepares us for his next coming
The Season of Christmas
• 12 days of Christmas
• ends the day before Epiphany, January 6.
• celebrates the Birth of Jesus
Epiphany, The Season of Light
• begins January 6.
• Lasts 8 weeks
• devoted to recognizing the signs God gives us and their import in our life
The Season of Lent
• begins with Ash Wednesday
• lasts 5 weeks,
• devoted to repentance, forgiveness, sacrifice, and love.
Holy week (the week immediately preceding Easter) including
• Palm Sunday, recalling Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem
• Maundy Thursday recalling the last dinner Jesus shared with his disciples before
• Good Friday, the capture, torture, trial and execution of Jesus
• Holy Saturday, the dark day of Jesus’s time in the grave
• Easter Sunday, the discovery of Jesus’s resurrection
The Season of Easter
• 7 weeks
• ongoing celebration of Jesus’s victory over the grave
Ascension Day, the day Jesus lifted his visible presence from the earth
The Season of Pentecost
• 29 weeks lasting to around November 23
• celebrates the visible presence of the Holy Spirit given to the many followers of Jesus
These are the main seasons of the year and my meditations will pretty much follow the seasons, unless I get distracted and go off on a tangent for some reason or other. I will try to restrain myself.
Each meditation will contain the following
• An opening prayer
• Scripture
• Meditation
I have one request. Please read the Scripture readings. Do not skip over them. They are far more important than anything I could ever write. It’s why I went to the trouble of typing them out for you. It’s convenient. No excuses, like, “Gee, now where is my Bible.” Besides, the meditations are so tied to the readings, they would not make sense without the foundation on which they are based.
I hope you find the meditations thought provoking and relevant to your life as it has become. Please feel free to share your thoughts and feelings.